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a bit about me:


My name is Jared Orskog and I am 33 years old. I am pursuing my MBA in sports management at Tiffin University. I am currently a volunteer at WTUD Tiffin Dragon Radio, where I am responsible for tasks such as, camera operator and broadcasting athletic events at Tiffin University. Before attending Tiffin, I received my Bachelors Degree in sports management from Defiance College in 2010. Hobbies of mine include reading, exercising, and movies. My favorite authors are Louis L'Amour and Zane Gray. My closest friends and family understand my passion for our country's history, which includes our military. My favorite quote comes from Edmund Burke "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"

1. Present Goals 

My goals for this internship is to learn all facets of the radio industry, which includes how to set up the equipment and how to take down the equipment. I want to learn how to edit audio and video. I want to have a better understanding of the computer programs that are used before, during, and after a broadcast. That is one of the most undervalued parts of the job.I feel it is vital for my development to learn everything as I build my career profile to learn the work habits leading up to a broadcast. When I graduate from Tiffin University, I hope to have the knowledge to become very successful in my career and make my professors, mentor, and Tiffin alumni around the world proud.

2. Future Goals: 

My future goals are to have my own radio show and to broadcast games on one of the major networks (ESPN,CBS,FOX,etc.). I want to have a hall of fame career and it is a goal of mine to be selected for the hall of fame. I want young children to look up to me and be inspired to have a dream to one day become a sports broadcaster, just as I have looked up to Dick Vitale.

3. Advice:

If I could give a couple pieces of advice to anyone reading this, it would be do not let anyone deter you from you from your dreams. Negativity can be a powerful thing, however for every one negative voice, there are ten positive voices. My second piece of advice is mistakes will be made, but do not let one mistake become two mistakes. Make sure each mistake becomes a teaching lesson to become a better employee and to grow from the mistake. My final piece of advice is to find a career that you find exciting and are passionate about. If you truly love your job, you will wake up excited to go to work because it will not feel like work, it will feel like a dream come true.  

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